Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mailing List

**Update: I don't use this anymore. Just subscribe to the blog if you want updates.**

The mailing list works!! I've been playing around with it for a while, but now it's up and running. Put your name and email in the form on the right and click "GO". You'll have to reply to a confirmation email, but then you're in.

Don't worry, I won't sell your info. And if somebody tries to buy your info from me, I'll get their email address and we'll all send junk email to them.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Everything

Hello everybody!

Welcome to my blog. Eventually, I'll use this to keep you all in touch on what country I'm in, what I'm doing there, and I'll let you know when new pictures are up on my website. Please be patient, as I am building all of this in my free time.


ps: If you have any comments at any time, please feel free to speak your mind.